رکن ختم نبوت فورم
بشریٰ ضیاء (سابقہ قادیانی) کا مرزا مسرور کے نام خط
اسلام و علیکم ورحمتہ و برکاۃ، دوستو، جماعت قادیانیہ روزانہ کی بنیاد پر بہت شور مچاتی ہوئی نظر آتی ہے کہ ہماری تعداد میں روز بروز اضافہ ہو رہا ہے لیکن یہ جماعت قادیانیہ یہ نہیں بتاتی کہ روز بروز اس جماعت کے نظام سے تنگ آ کر اور تحقیق کر کے کتنےلوگ اس کلٹ کو چھوڑ کر امن کے دین یعنی اسلام میں داخل ہو رہے ہیں۔ بہت سے لوگ جو اس جماعت کو چھوڑتے ہیں وہ منظر عام پر آ جاتے ہیں اور بہت سے لوگ اپنی پہچان کو چھپا لیتے ہیں یا پھر سفید پوشی اختیا ر کر لیتے ہیں۔
جن لوگوں نے اس کلٹ جماعت کو چھوڑا ہے ان میں سے ایک ہماری بہن بشریٰ ضیاء (سابقہ قادیانی) ہیں۔ جنھوں نے اکتوبر 2014 میں تحقیق کر کے جماعت قادیانیہ کو چھوڑا ہے۔۔بشریٰ ضیاء صاحبہ جما عت قادیانیہ کے بہت مشہور اور معروف خاندان سے تعلق رکھتی ہیں اور انہوں نے مرزا مسرور (جو کہ ایک جماعت قادیانیہ کا نام نہاد خلیفہ ہے) کے نام ایک خط لکھا ہے۔ خط کا متن انگریزی میں ہے اور میں خط کو اس کی اصل زبان میں ہی یہاں پر دکھانا مناسب سمجھتا ہوں۔ ذرا ملاحظہ کریں
(خط بھی منسلک کر دیا گیا ہے ۔ اگرکوئی ڈاؤن لوڈ کرنا چاہے تو سب سے نیچےپی ڈی ایف کی فائل منسلک ہے اور یہاں کلک کر کے بھی ڈاؤن لوڈ کیا جا سکتا ہے)
Dear Readers
You will read a copy of my letter dated 24 October 2014 about leaving Ahmadiyya religion attach to this. As you read it, you will see that I explained very clearly to leave me alone. We are still receiving the literature and phone calls to attend the forthcoming meetings!! It forces me to go public with this information as your organisation or (disorganisation) will not take a BLIND BIT OF NOTICE.
I trust Allah Almighty who has guided me. He only is the Judge of all. This is a brief account from me. There is no compulsion in religion.
My Journey to Islam has been a gradual one. Over many years questions were arising in my sub-conscious – but when I retired and had time to think – with the Grace of Allah everything started to fall into place very quickly. I will write about it in future.
As I was prepared to leave Ahmadiyya the very first thing I had to do was to cut all emotional ties towards my Ahmadi friends and relatives. That was the only way open to me.
I do not have to give any reasons as to why I left – it is my personal decision. Just for the benefit of the readers I will explain as my letter to Mirza Masroor is a simple one. I did not want to give all sorts of reasons as everything is already on the internet – if someone wants to see it. But of course most Ahmadi people I know, do not bother to educate themselves to keep up with the time. If only they obeyed Massih Mauood (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) and read his books 3 times!!! Allah promised (I WILL CAUSE THY MESSAGE TO THE CORNERS OF THE EARTH). They are advised not to go on the internet and reasons are crystal clear. I feel free as I have broken the chains. The chains of BONDAGE.
Ahmadiyyat will flourish and carry on as before (do not worry about it) my leaving is not going to make any difference. Just food for thought as there are at least 2 claiments of Mujadidship for 15th century that I know of. There is claimant of Musleh Maood has his own sect. There are about 7 active offshoots of Ahmadiyya sects working these days (take your pick). Do I not have a duty to accept the Mujadid of 15th century? Where is it ALL going to end? Sects are being formed in front of our eyes. – Allah has provided us with the complete teachings and also alternatives till the end of time. Humans are given freewill. Also gave the WISDOM to see the difference between right and wrong – good and evil and straight path or the path of those who has gone Astry. We are designed to go Astray – the TEST IS TO GET BACK ON THE RIGHT PATH.
By sending Rasool Allah KHATAM UN NIBIEEN – Allah (swt) completed His Deen to humanity – there are no more prophets to come. I DO UNDERSTAND AHMADIYYA INERPRETATION COMPLETELY about this. That does not mean that everyone has to agree to it. Allah tests us by leaving both right and wrong in front of us and grant us the wisdom to know the difference. It was all part of the big plan that people will claim prophethood from time to time. There has been many claiments of prophethood in the past. Many more will be in future.
It is very easy to pass judgement and curse on someone who leaves“so and so has left Ahmadiyya” gone Astray from the right path – when she dies she will be asked “did she accept the imam of the time” “will end up in hell” etc etc. I have heard it all. Ahmadiyya leadership finds it very difficult to let go of people who leave. But I am responsible for my actions. We must part on good terms and be CIVIL to each other and leave all affairs for Allah Almighty who is THE JUDGE of all. Ahmadiyya leadership must leave us alone to tred on our chosen path. Alas in all cases a person is ex-communicated straight away hense (LOVE FOR ALL HATERED FOR NONE) It is high time to change the slogan. There are demands to create reports straightaway and in most cases a CHARACTER ASSASSINATION is to follow.
All Ahmadis are controlled by fear and strict rules. Family ties, breaking up of families is the very first thing people are faced with when they want to leave this Jamaat. It stops people from breaking away from these types of religions. Only very few have the COURAGE to leave. Man is social animal and when the close relationships are threatened – on which we depend for our emotional wellbeing. Fulfilment of our emotional need ultimately forms the units and groups we thrive in The societies are formed where species can survive. ONLY A VERY STRONG PERSON CAN SURVIVE OUTSIDE THESE BOUNDRIES. In life we have to bear consequences of our choices. In my case I have nothing left to loose. It is ultimate control by inducing FEAR. So it serves the purpose very well.
Whenever I read the Quran – I always ponder over the Ayahs about “the religion of our forefathers”. I would ask myself, Surley it cannot apply to us now. I am not living in the times mentioned in the Holy Quran. Of course the Quran was FOR ALL TIMES and FOR PEOPLE OF ALL TIMES. Trials of life has made me strong enough to survive. I had to carry on and wisdom gained through it gave me the COURAGE . The Holy Quran explains itself – easy simple straightforward – no explanations – no long winded commentaries – no misinterpretation -no deviating from the issue – no beating about the bush.
Allah (swt) granted a long rope to Iblees – the forces that are present from the day one. Allah (swt) PERMITTED and Iblees PROMISED that he will lead most people Astry. How else Allah (swt) was going to test us freethinkers. He has granted the guidance and knowledge and wisdom to every one to see the difference and choose. This knowledge is true today as it was at the time of revelation. So as per my understanding and knowledge gained I leave the religion of my forefathers and choose the path of ORIGINAL ISLAM.
Our forefathers were simple, honest, decent, hardworking and trusting people. Due to lack of education and sources available to them, they were right to choose Ahmadiyya path for themselves. Very little Arabic was known. Hardly any books were available and there were no libraries. Most of all their trusting nature combined with ignorance, took them on this path. They followed what they were told in the Khutbas. The powerful steam engines of Ahmadiyya machinery, AlBadr, Al Hakam and Alfazal distributed free at home and abroad alike– not to mention the cupboards full of literature came out of Qadian and Rabwah. They believed what they read in those papers. It worked for Ahmadiyya leadership for a brief time – in the scheme of things. I am sure Ahmadiyya leadership will have many success stories in future. The choice has to be out there for everyone. These religions and sects have been forming from the very beginning and are being formed in front of our eyes. But it is different story now. People are highly educated these days. All knowledge is on our fingertips via internet connections and WiFi in every household. It is very easy to cross check references and comparative religion study. Access to information is here and will make huge difference in future. Only the fear of loosing loved ones is keeping this ship afloat.
All the best to readers
Ms Bushra Zia
London UK
You will read a copy of my letter dated 24 October 2014 about leaving Ahmadiyya religion attach to this. As you read it, you will see that I explained very clearly to leave me alone. We are still receiving the literature and phone calls to attend the forthcoming meetings!! It forces me to go public with this information as your organisation or (disorganisation) will not take a BLIND BIT OF NOTICE.
I trust Allah Almighty who has guided me. He only is the Judge of all. This is a brief account from me. There is no compulsion in religion.
My Journey to Islam has been a gradual one. Over many years questions were arising in my sub-conscious – but when I retired and had time to think – with the Grace of Allah everything started to fall into place very quickly. I will write about it in future.
As I was prepared to leave Ahmadiyya the very first thing I had to do was to cut all emotional ties towards my Ahmadi friends and relatives. That was the only way open to me.
I do not have to give any reasons as to why I left – it is my personal decision. Just for the benefit of the readers I will explain as my letter to Mirza Masroor is a simple one. I did not want to give all sorts of reasons as everything is already on the internet – if someone wants to see it. But of course most Ahmadi people I know, do not bother to educate themselves to keep up with the time. If only they obeyed Massih Mauood (Mirza Ghulam Ahmad) and read his books 3 times!!! Allah promised (I WILL CAUSE THY MESSAGE TO THE CORNERS OF THE EARTH). They are advised not to go on the internet and reasons are crystal clear. I feel free as I have broken the chains. The chains of BONDAGE.
Ahmadiyyat will flourish and carry on as before (do not worry about it) my leaving is not going to make any difference. Just food for thought as there are at least 2 claiments of Mujadidship for 15th century that I know of. There is claimant of Musleh Maood has his own sect. There are about 7 active offshoots of Ahmadiyya sects working these days (take your pick). Do I not have a duty to accept the Mujadid of 15th century? Where is it ALL going to end? Sects are being formed in front of our eyes. – Allah has provided us with the complete teachings and also alternatives till the end of time. Humans are given freewill. Also gave the WISDOM to see the difference between right and wrong – good and evil and straight path or the path of those who has gone Astry. We are designed to go Astray – the TEST IS TO GET BACK ON THE RIGHT PATH.
By sending Rasool Allah KHATAM UN NIBIEEN – Allah (swt) completed His Deen to humanity – there are no more prophets to come. I DO UNDERSTAND AHMADIYYA INERPRETATION COMPLETELY about this. That does not mean that everyone has to agree to it. Allah tests us by leaving both right and wrong in front of us and grant us the wisdom to know the difference. It was all part of the big plan that people will claim prophethood from time to time. There has been many claiments of prophethood in the past. Many more will be in future.
It is very easy to pass judgement and curse on someone who leaves“so and so has left Ahmadiyya” gone Astray from the right path – when she dies she will be asked “did she accept the imam of the time” “will end up in hell” etc etc. I have heard it all. Ahmadiyya leadership finds it very difficult to let go of people who leave. But I am responsible for my actions. We must part on good terms and be CIVIL to each other and leave all affairs for Allah Almighty who is THE JUDGE of all. Ahmadiyya leadership must leave us alone to tred on our chosen path. Alas in all cases a person is ex-communicated straight away hense (LOVE FOR ALL HATERED FOR NONE) It is high time to change the slogan. There are demands to create reports straightaway and in most cases a CHARACTER ASSASSINATION is to follow.
All Ahmadis are controlled by fear and strict rules. Family ties, breaking up of families is the very first thing people are faced with when they want to leave this Jamaat. It stops people from breaking away from these types of religions. Only very few have the COURAGE to leave. Man is social animal and when the close relationships are threatened – on which we depend for our emotional wellbeing. Fulfilment of our emotional need ultimately forms the units and groups we thrive in The societies are formed where species can survive. ONLY A VERY STRONG PERSON CAN SURVIVE OUTSIDE THESE BOUNDRIES. In life we have to bear consequences of our choices. In my case I have nothing left to loose. It is ultimate control by inducing FEAR. So it serves the purpose very well.
Whenever I read the Quran – I always ponder over the Ayahs about “the religion of our forefathers”. I would ask myself, Surley it cannot apply to us now. I am not living in the times mentioned in the Holy Quran. Of course the Quran was FOR ALL TIMES and FOR PEOPLE OF ALL TIMES. Trials of life has made me strong enough to survive. I had to carry on and wisdom gained through it gave me the COURAGE . The Holy Quran explains itself – easy simple straightforward – no explanations – no long winded commentaries – no misinterpretation -no deviating from the issue – no beating about the bush.
Allah (swt) granted a long rope to Iblees – the forces that are present from the day one. Allah (swt) PERMITTED and Iblees PROMISED that he will lead most people Astry. How else Allah (swt) was going to test us freethinkers. He has granted the guidance and knowledge and wisdom to every one to see the difference and choose. This knowledge is true today as it was at the time of revelation. So as per my understanding and knowledge gained I leave the religion of my forefathers and choose the path of ORIGINAL ISLAM.
Our forefathers were simple, honest, decent, hardworking and trusting people. Due to lack of education and sources available to them, they were right to choose Ahmadiyya path for themselves. Very little Arabic was known. Hardly any books were available and there were no libraries. Most of all their trusting nature combined with ignorance, took them on this path. They followed what they were told in the Khutbas. The powerful steam engines of Ahmadiyya machinery, AlBadr, Al Hakam and Alfazal distributed free at home and abroad alike– not to mention the cupboards full of literature came out of Qadian and Rabwah. They believed what they read in those papers. It worked for Ahmadiyya leadership for a brief time – in the scheme of things. I am sure Ahmadiyya leadership will have many success stories in future. The choice has to be out there for everyone. These religions and sects have been forming from the very beginning and are being formed in front of our eyes. But it is different story now. People are highly educated these days. All knowledge is on our fingertips via internet connections and WiFi in every household. It is very easy to cross check references and comparative religion study. Access to information is here and will make huge difference in future. Only the fear of loosing loved ones is keeping this ship afloat.
All the best to readers
Ms Bushra Zia
London UK