The June 1995 edition of Ahmadiyya Gazette stated the population as ‘about 11 million’.1995 = 11 million members
The Article below(dated 1995 – 2001, so i presume the figure is for 2001) gives the population figure was given as ‘more than 10 million’. So from 1995-2001, the population decreased by a million.
According to page 13 of this PDF article, Qadianiat grew from 10 million to 180 million in Mirza Tahir’s 21 year reign. So when he became leader in 1982, the group had 10 million members, it grew to 11 million by 1995, then decreased by 1 in the 6 years between 1995-2001. Which means in the 2 years between 2001 and 2003 it must have gained 170 million new members.
In a press release dated 9th September 2003, the population is reported as 200 Million members, the image above stated the that the cult had 180 million members on 19thApril 2003 (when Tahir died), but claimed to have an extra 20 million members a few months later in September… From 1982 till 1995 the population increased only by a million, from 1995-2001 it decreased by a million. Then it jumps by a colossal 170 million from 2001-2003, then a mammoth 20 million from April-September in 2003 (if you go by figures posted on the official site).
An archived version of the Introduction page from 29 December 2004 stated the total membership exceeded 200 million.
In a press release dated July 7th 2005, the population was once again given as 200 million once again.
In a press release by the Qadiani Press secretary of Sri Lanka written (i presume) after January 2008, the population was given as 220 Million.
Another PDF document uploaded on the qadiani al Islam stated 40,138,975 new members joined the group in the year 2000 (Even though the 2nd image in this doc from around the year 2001 stated the population as 10 million).
In the same pdf doc, it also stated the population as 200 million at the time of the death of Mirza Tahir. The earlier article I showed stated the population at the time of Tahir’s death as 180 million. So was 200 million, or 180 million?
On page 12 of the 2nd edition of the “Welcome To Ahmadiyat book” it stated that over 81 million new adherents had joined the qadianiat last year (Im presuming this was for 2001). This has to be a world record of some sort. 81 million in a year would mean above 221,000 new members daily on basis, what steroids were the Qadiani missionaries taking during that year?
The figures of over 41 million for 2000 and over 81 million for 2001 correspond with the graph below (i can’t recollect where i got this graph from though)
Figures of over 150 million were repeatedly posted by qadianis on their official website during the early to mid Noughties. They even claimed to have gained over 122 million in the years 2000&2001 as i have shown above…
The Times Online posted an article about Qadianiat on June 14th 2008, the article was also posted on Al Islam, in the article. The article claimed the cult had 70 million members when Masroor was elected as head in 2003. This is over 110 million shy of the 180 and 200 million claimed in earlier articles (also posted on Al-Islam), this was also 50 million shy of the alleged 122 million+ new members that joined in the years 2000 & 2001 alone!
Masroor gave another interview with the Hindu times on 02nd December 2008, the Hindu times had stated the population of qadianat as 170 million, 100 million more than the figure posted in the Times Online.
In a press release dated 17th August 2009, the population was given as estimated 80 Million now. Over 40 Million less than the 122+ million members they claimed to gain in the years 2000&2001 alone. Over 100 million less than the figures of 180 & 200 million stated at the time of Mirza Tahir’s death in 2003.
What happened to the 100+ million? Was the leadership lying all along? Was the population figure fabricated to start with, did those members never existed? 0r did the member leave the group in large numbers as Tahir claimed the join in large numbers during 2000&2001. In the case that they lied, here’s a few statements of Mirza Ghulam regarding liars and lying. -
“oh you idiots, to lie is like eating shit” Rk 22, p215
“Lying is no less than apostacy” – Rk 17, p 56
“When a person is proven a liar in one instance, then he is no longer reliable in other matters/affairs” – Rk 23, p231
Oh, not to forget the updated version of the Introduction page now stated that the groups membership exceeds ‘tens of millions’, rather than the ‘exceeding 200 million’ stated on the archived page from 2004.
Can Mr Masroor or anyone from the leadership please explain the yo-yoing of the population figure?

The Article below(dated 1995 – 2001, so i presume the figure is for 2001) gives the population figure was given as ‘more than 10 million’. So from 1995-2001, the population decreased by a million.

According to page 13 of this PDF article, Qadianiat grew from 10 million to 180 million in Mirza Tahir’s 21 year reign. So when he became leader in 1982, the group had 10 million members, it grew to 11 million by 1995, then decreased by 1 in the 6 years between 1995-2001. Which means in the 2 years between 2001 and 2003 it must have gained 170 million new members.

In a press release dated 9th September 2003, the population is reported as 200 Million members, the image above stated the that the cult had 180 million members on 19thApril 2003 (when Tahir died), but claimed to have an extra 20 million members a few months later in September… From 1982 till 1995 the population increased only by a million, from 1995-2001 it decreased by a million. Then it jumps by a colossal 170 million from 2001-2003, then a mammoth 20 million from April-September in 2003 (if you go by figures posted on the official site).

An archived version of the Introduction page from 29 December 2004 stated the total membership exceeded 200 million.

In a press release dated July 7th 2005, the population was once again given as 200 million once again.

Another PDF document uploaded on the qadiani al Islam stated 40,138,975 new members joined the group in the year 2000 (Even though the 2nd image in this doc from around the year 2001 stated the population as 10 million).

In the same pdf doc, it also stated the population as 200 million at the time of the death of Mirza Tahir. The earlier article I showed stated the population at the time of Tahir’s death as 180 million. So was 200 million, or 180 million?

On page 12 of the 2nd edition of the “Welcome To Ahmadiyat book” it stated that over 81 million new adherents had joined the qadianiat last year (Im presuming this was for 2001). This has to be a world record of some sort. 81 million in a year would mean above 221,000 new members daily on basis, what steroids were the Qadiani missionaries taking during that year?

The figures of over 41 million for 2000 and over 81 million for 2001 correspond with the graph below (i can’t recollect where i got this graph from though)

Figures of over 150 million were repeatedly posted by qadianis on their official website during the early to mid Noughties. They even claimed to have gained over 122 million in the years 2000&2001 as i have shown above…
The Times Online posted an article about Qadianiat on June 14th 2008, the article was also posted on Al Islam, in the article. The article claimed the cult had 70 million members when Masroor was elected as head in 2003. This is over 110 million shy of the 180 and 200 million claimed in earlier articles (also posted on Al-Islam), this was also 50 million shy of the alleged 122 million+ new members that joined in the years 2000 & 2001 alone!

In a press release dated 17th August 2009, the population was given as estimated 80 Million now. Over 40 Million less than the 122+ million members they claimed to gain in the years 2000&2001 alone. Over 100 million less than the figures of 180 & 200 million stated at the time of Mirza Tahir’s death in 2003.

What happened to the 100+ million? Was the leadership lying all along? Was the population figure fabricated to start with, did those members never existed? 0r did the member leave the group in large numbers as Tahir claimed the join in large numbers during 2000&2001. In the case that they lied, here’s a few statements of Mirza Ghulam regarding liars and lying. -

“oh you idiots, to lie is like eating shit” Rk 22, p215

“Lying is no less than apostacy” – Rk 17, p 56

“When a person is proven a liar in one instance, then he is no longer reliable in other matters/affairs” – Rk 23, p231
Oh, not to forget the updated version of the Introduction page now stated that the groups membership exceeds ‘tens of millions’, rather than the ‘exceeding 200 million’ stated on the archived page from 2004.

Can Mr Masroor or anyone from the leadership please explain the yo-yoing of the population figure?
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