Engg. Saim Malik Tanoli
رکن ختم نبوت فورم
KHATAM-E-NABUWATTHE FINALITY OF PROPHETHOODProf. Shah Faridul Haque - Vice-president World Islamic Mission
Allah Almighty sent a large number of Prophets to guide human beings from the very beginning of humanity. Prophets were sent to each and every community from time to time. The exact number of Prophets sent is only known to Allah Almighty. It has been narrated that this number ranges between one hundred twenty thousand and two hundred twenty thousand.
The Holy Qur’an, the last revealed Book of Allah, mentions the names of various prophets; including Adam the first prophet and the last – Muhammad (Salalaahu-’alaihi Wa Sallam). The most famous prophets are Adam, Nuh, Shuaib, Dawood, Sulaiman, Ibrahim, Isra'il, Yaqoob, Yusuf, Musa, Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad (Salalaahu-’alaihi Wa Sallam). After whom the door of Prophethood was closed and sealed, and no one can break this seal. If any one dares to break this seal, he would be termed as a heretic and non-believer.
Thus, it is the unanimous faith of the Muslim ummah that Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) is the last and final Prophet and there can be no new prophets after him. Muslims, of the entire wolrd belonging to any sect, section or tribe have not the slightest disagreement of this particular fact, that there is no prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam). If after someone has full faith in all of the necessary tenets of Islam, but negates that the line of Prophethood has been terminated after Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam), he or she becomes a kafir or an infidel and a non-believer.
The Holy Qur'an and Hadith (Blessed Traditions and Saying of The Last Prophet) provide ample proof of this fact i.e. Khatam-e-Nabuwat or Seal of Prophethood.
The Holy Qur'an says: ‘Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last one among all the prophets. And Allah knows all things’. (33:40) Almost all of the mufasireen (interpreters) of the Qur’an give the meaning of Khatam-un-Nabieen as last and final prophet.
Imam Ghazalli explains the said verse as such. “No doubt the ummah has unanimously understood from this word (Khatam-un-Nabieen) and its circumstantial reference to mean non existence of a nabi or rasool ever after Muhammad (Salalaahu-alalhi Wa Sallam) and that this word calls for no reservation or tacit interpretation in it, hence its dissident is certainly the one who rejects the ummah’s unanimity.” (From Al-Iqtisad fil Itiqad by Imam Ghazali, quoted in the book Gift for Qadianis by Maulana Yousuf Ludhianvi)
Hafiz Ibn Kathir the most renowned commentator of the Holy Qur'an says: ‘And on the precept of Khatme Nabuwat there have come from Allah’s Messenger mutawatir or continuous ahadith which has been transmitted by an unbroken chain of his ashab (Blessed Companions) – Allah be please with them.
Allama Syed Mahmood Aloosi the other famous commentator of the Holy Qur'an declares a man who negatesKhatme Nabuwat is a kafir (unbeliever). If he persists in his belief, he should be put to death. The Holy Qur'an says “Today I have completed for you, your Din and finished My Favours on you”
Allah has announced the completion of two things in this verse. The first thing is Din (Religion) and the second thing is His Favours of which the most important and significant is the Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam). From this point until the Last Day there would be no new religion of Allah nor any new prophet of Allah after the last prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam).
Some of the famous and accepted ahadith are reproduced:
Abu Huraira narrates in Bukhari and Muslim that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Certainly any example and the example of Prophets earlier than me is like example of a palace most elegant and most beautifully constructed by a person except (that he left in it) a blank space for a brick in one of its corners and that made the people who were going around its wondered at its marvelous-ness and exclaimed perplexedly ‘why is not a brick laid in here’. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said ‘I am that last corner brick and I am the last of the Prophets’.
In another hadith of Tirmizi, it has been narrated as such: “My example among the prophets has a likeness (in the sense) to that of a man who constructed a palace most lovely and perfect and extremely elegant but left the place of one brick incomplete for a subsequent inlaying, then people went around the palace and wondered (on its excellence) and asked, “would that space for one brick be also filled up?”. The Holy Prophet (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) said, ‘I am in place of this brick among the prophets’. Imam Tirmizi calls this hadith hasan-sahih.
In another hadith of Bukhari, Sa’ad bin Waqqas narrates that the prophet said to Hazrat Ali “You have the same relation with me as Haroon had with Musa except that there shall be no prophet after me”. Besides Sa’ad many other companions have narrated this hadith, so it is taken as mutawatir (transmitted by an unbroken chain of reliable narrators). Some of the companions in this chain include Hazrat Jabir bin Samarah, Hazrat Umme Salma, Zaid bin Arqam, Abdullah bin Umar, Hazrat Hurairah etc.
In another hadith of Tirmizi, Anas bin Malik narrates, Allah’s Messenger said, “Verily Risalat and Nabuwwat are terminated so there shall be neither a Rasool nor a Nabi after me”. (Every Prophet is called a Nabi whether he was given a Shariat or not and a Prophet who was given Shariat is called a Rasool).
In another hadith of Kanzul Umma, Abu Huraira narrates that the Prophet said, “I was first among the prophets in creation and the last of them to be sent as the Prophet into the world”.
In ibn Maja, Abu Amamatul Bahli narrates that Prophet said, “I am the last prophet and you are the last ummah.”
There are numerous ahadith on this subject. This short discourse cannot bear all of the authentic ahadith related to this issue, although I have chosen some important ones.
Khatam-e-Nabuwat is a universal and accepted fact and faith of the ummah and from the very beginning there has not been even a slight deviation from this. Allah completed His Din after sending the Last Prophet to His creatures. Now the door of Prophethood is completely closed. This notion is fully proven by the Holy Qur'an and unbroken chain of ahadith.
Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes about the words Khatam-un-Nabieen that no prophet will ever be born after Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam). Hence the ummah should know that if a person lays a claim to this Status of Prophethood after him, such a person is an arch liar, a pretender, an imposter, a scandal monger and a seducer of men who is himself corrupt and corrupting others.
The last Prophet himself has declared that, “There shall be nearly thirty pretenders and liars in my ummah, each one of whom will claim that he is a prophet but there shall be none after me”.
One who believes in prophethood, in any kind or shape, after the last Prophet is a dualist infidel whose capital punishment is obligatory because of his assertions and his belief that the door of Prophethood is not closed. The entire ummah and jurists have a consensus in this matter that there is no prophet after Prophet Muhammad, if anyone believes otherwise he is a non-muslim and a kafir.
“If a person does not have the belief that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) is the last Prophet then he is not a Muslim. If he says ‘I am a prophet of Allah’ or says in Persian language ‘I am a Payghamber’ thereby meaning ‘I convey Allah’s message then he also becomes an kafir or infidel” (Fatawal Hindiya)
“If some body says with a word of doubt, i.e. whether or not an assertion of the Holy Prophets is false or correct, then he becomes a kafir. Similarly, if he claims that he is Allah’s Prophet, then he becomes a kafir and the man who asks that claimant to produce a miracle also becomes a kafir. However, some do not call such a person a kafir if he is trying to prove the inability of the claimant”. (Quoted from Bahur Ruquaiq Harah Kanzud Daqaiq in the book Gift for the Qadianis by Yusuf Ludhianvi)
Some liars and claimants of prophethood appeared even during the presence of Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) who could not bear to face the real Prophet who ordered such claimants to be behead wherever they are found. The first Caliph Syedinna Siddiq Akbar fought against Musailma the liar and eliminated him and his followers, though many Muslims and Hafiz-ul-Qur’an (preservers of Qur’an) were martyred in that battle.
Again, in our time at the end of the 19th century a liar appeared in the shape of Ghulam Ahmad from Qadian a small town in Punjab in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. The life style and utterances of this man proved that he was a stooge and agent of the British who ruled the subcontinent at the time. They captured land and fortune by intrigue and brute force and established their hegemony. Power was snatched from Muslims, who were the rulers of the subcontinent. The new ruler wanted to lure Muslims by hook or by crook. Muslims have great respect for their Prophet. They are willing to sacrifice anything including their precious lives to save the dignity and honour of the Holy Prophet. The British saw this spirit in the Muslims of the subcontinent and the sentiments they attach even only to the word ‘Nabi’ (Prophet). They thought if the Nabi of Madina can be respected to such an extent, that a Muslim can sacrifice his life for preserving the dignity and honour of the Prophet, then a nabi from their own homeland would be more respected. The word nabi itself has got a significant place in the hearts of Muslims. Therefore, the British sought a man – Ghulam Ahmad who first declared his loyalty to the new rulers and served under them as an ordinary servant. In the beginning he tried to incline Muslims towards himself as a preacher of Islam. He confronted Christians and challenged the authority of Jesus Christ. He himself declared that he was Jesus Christ who is to come again in this world. Some Muslims were trapped and joined his mission. The British rulers provided him all facilities. He became courageous and in the beginning of 20th century when he declared himself a prophet. Muslims rejected him and entire mass of ulama (Islamic scholars) of the subcontinent challenged his contention and declared him liar, pretender and a heretic.
In fact, the British misconceived the sprit of Muslims. Muslims have spiritual and sentimental attachment to their Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) the last prophet and before him other real prophets, but not to every Tom Dick or Harry who declares himself a prophet.
Now I will quote some of the utterances of this pretender of prophethood, Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.
1)The true God is that who sent a message in Qadian (Dataul-Bala Page 150 and Tazianai Ibrat page 12)
2)I swear by God that he has sent me and has named me as a prophet (Haqiqatul Qahi Page 67 Tazianai Ibrat).
3)I believe in my revelation in the same manner as I believe in Qur’an (Hawala Arabia page 4 & 19).
4)I, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad am a promised masih and imam of the day and reformer and prophet of Allah and messenger, and revelations of Allah are sent upon me (Tazianai ibrat, signed document presented in court).
5)The revelation of Allah was not closed with Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
6)The prophet Muhammad had three thousand miracles and I have about two lakhs (200,000) (Tohfa Goirwala and Sorahine Abmadia Pages 57 & 67 respectively).
This is what Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said about the verse of the Hly Qur’an revealed in Surah Fatah- 48:29 “In this verse; Muhammad Rasullah, I have been named Muhammad as well as Rasul (Ek Chalti ka Izala page 3 Roohani Khazain Vol 18 page 207).
There are numerous vile utterances of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in which he has rebuked all of the prophets, ridiculed Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). Space is too limited in this article to give the details.
Besides all these things he announced the rescinding of Jihad to please his British master. On page 28 of Khaitbal Ilhamia he announced that from today Jihad by sword is closed.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad calls every Muslim a kafir. In a book Najmul Huda he calls his opponent as pigs of the foremost and their wives are dirty, vile women and prostitutes. At one place he says, ‘only the sons of dancing women and prostitutes do not accept my call. God has revealed to me that one who does not obey me, and opposes me is a man of hell. It is obligatory upon us not to accept non-ahmadis as Muslims and not to offer prayers behind them or take part in their funeral. Mr. Zafrullah Khan, a Qadiani ex-Foreign Minister of Pakistan did not attend the janaza (funeral prayer) of Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Keeping in view these clear anti-Islamic utterances, Muslims of entire world have declared Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his followers as non-believers and infidels. The highest legislative authority; i.e. National Assembly of Pakistan in 1974 has declared by law, Qadianis and Ahmadis Lahori as infidels or non-muslims. The ulama of Pakistan particularly the Ulema-e-Ahle-Sunnat under the leadership of Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqui provided overwhelmingly proof that Qadianis are religious heretics and compelled the members of national Assembly of Pakistan to declare Qadianis as non-Muslims by law.
Allah Almighty sent a large number of Prophets to guide human beings from the very beginning of humanity. Prophets were sent to each and every community from time to time. The exact number of Prophets sent is only known to Allah Almighty. It has been narrated that this number ranges between one hundred twenty thousand and two hundred twenty thousand.
The Holy Qur’an, the last revealed Book of Allah, mentions the names of various prophets; including Adam the first prophet and the last – Muhammad (Salalaahu-’alaihi Wa Sallam). The most famous prophets are Adam, Nuh, Shuaib, Dawood, Sulaiman, Ibrahim, Isra'il, Yaqoob, Yusuf, Musa, Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad (Salalaahu-’alaihi Wa Sallam). After whom the door of Prophethood was closed and sealed, and no one can break this seal. If any one dares to break this seal, he would be termed as a heretic and non-believer.
Thus, it is the unanimous faith of the Muslim ummah that Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) is the last and final Prophet and there can be no new prophets after him. Muslims, of the entire wolrd belonging to any sect, section or tribe have not the slightest disagreement of this particular fact, that there is no prophet after Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam). If after someone has full faith in all of the necessary tenets of Islam, but negates that the line of Prophethood has been terminated after Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam), he or she becomes a kafir or an infidel and a non-believer.
The Holy Qur'an and Hadith (Blessed Traditions and Saying of The Last Prophet) provide ample proof of this fact i.e. Khatam-e-Nabuwat or Seal of Prophethood.
The Holy Qur'an says: ‘Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is the Messenger of Allah and the last one among all the prophets. And Allah knows all things’. (33:40) Almost all of the mufasireen (interpreters) of the Qur’an give the meaning of Khatam-un-Nabieen as last and final prophet.
Imam Ghazalli explains the said verse as such. “No doubt the ummah has unanimously understood from this word (Khatam-un-Nabieen) and its circumstantial reference to mean non existence of a nabi or rasool ever after Muhammad (Salalaahu-alalhi Wa Sallam) and that this word calls for no reservation or tacit interpretation in it, hence its dissident is certainly the one who rejects the ummah’s unanimity.” (From Al-Iqtisad fil Itiqad by Imam Ghazali, quoted in the book Gift for Qadianis by Maulana Yousuf Ludhianvi)
Hafiz Ibn Kathir the most renowned commentator of the Holy Qur'an says: ‘And on the precept of Khatme Nabuwat there have come from Allah’s Messenger mutawatir or continuous ahadith which has been transmitted by an unbroken chain of his ashab (Blessed Companions) – Allah be please with them.
Allama Syed Mahmood Aloosi the other famous commentator of the Holy Qur'an declares a man who negatesKhatme Nabuwat is a kafir (unbeliever). If he persists in his belief, he should be put to death. The Holy Qur'an says “Today I have completed for you, your Din and finished My Favours on you”
Allah has announced the completion of two things in this verse. The first thing is Din (Religion) and the second thing is His Favours of which the most important and significant is the Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam). From this point until the Last Day there would be no new religion of Allah nor any new prophet of Allah after the last prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam).
Some of the famous and accepted ahadith are reproduced:
Abu Huraira narrates in Bukhari and Muslim that the Holy Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘Certainly any example and the example of Prophets earlier than me is like example of a palace most elegant and most beautifully constructed by a person except (that he left in it) a blank space for a brick in one of its corners and that made the people who were going around its wondered at its marvelous-ness and exclaimed perplexedly ‘why is not a brick laid in here’. The Holy Prophet (pbuh) said ‘I am that last corner brick and I am the last of the Prophets’.
In another hadith of Tirmizi, it has been narrated as such: “My example among the prophets has a likeness (in the sense) to that of a man who constructed a palace most lovely and perfect and extremely elegant but left the place of one brick incomplete for a subsequent inlaying, then people went around the palace and wondered (on its excellence) and asked, “would that space for one brick be also filled up?”. The Holy Prophet (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) said, ‘I am in place of this brick among the prophets’. Imam Tirmizi calls this hadith hasan-sahih.
In another hadith of Bukhari, Sa’ad bin Waqqas narrates that the prophet said to Hazrat Ali “You have the same relation with me as Haroon had with Musa except that there shall be no prophet after me”. Besides Sa’ad many other companions have narrated this hadith, so it is taken as mutawatir (transmitted by an unbroken chain of reliable narrators). Some of the companions in this chain include Hazrat Jabir bin Samarah, Hazrat Umme Salma, Zaid bin Arqam, Abdullah bin Umar, Hazrat Hurairah etc.
In another hadith of Tirmizi, Anas bin Malik narrates, Allah’s Messenger said, “Verily Risalat and Nabuwwat are terminated so there shall be neither a Rasool nor a Nabi after me”. (Every Prophet is called a Nabi whether he was given a Shariat or not and a Prophet who was given Shariat is called a Rasool).
In another hadith of Kanzul Umma, Abu Huraira narrates that the Prophet said, “I was first among the prophets in creation and the last of them to be sent as the Prophet into the world”.
In ibn Maja, Abu Amamatul Bahli narrates that Prophet said, “I am the last prophet and you are the last ummah.”
There are numerous ahadith on this subject. This short discourse cannot bear all of the authentic ahadith related to this issue, although I have chosen some important ones.
Khatam-e-Nabuwat is a universal and accepted fact and faith of the ummah and from the very beginning there has not been even a slight deviation from this. Allah completed His Din after sending the Last Prophet to His creatures. Now the door of Prophethood is completely closed. This notion is fully proven by the Holy Qur'an and unbroken chain of ahadith.
Hafiz Ibn Kathir writes about the words Khatam-un-Nabieen that no prophet will ever be born after Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam). Hence the ummah should know that if a person lays a claim to this Status of Prophethood after him, such a person is an arch liar, a pretender, an imposter, a scandal monger and a seducer of men who is himself corrupt and corrupting others.
The last Prophet himself has declared that, “There shall be nearly thirty pretenders and liars in my ummah, each one of whom will claim that he is a prophet but there shall be none after me”.
One who believes in prophethood, in any kind or shape, after the last Prophet is a dualist infidel whose capital punishment is obligatory because of his assertions and his belief that the door of Prophethood is not closed. The entire ummah and jurists have a consensus in this matter that there is no prophet after Prophet Muhammad, if anyone believes otherwise he is a non-muslim and a kafir.
“If a person does not have the belief that the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) is the last Prophet then he is not a Muslim. If he says ‘I am a prophet of Allah’ or says in Persian language ‘I am a Payghamber’ thereby meaning ‘I convey Allah’s message then he also becomes an kafir or infidel” (Fatawal Hindiya)
“If some body says with a word of doubt, i.e. whether or not an assertion of the Holy Prophets is false or correct, then he becomes a kafir. Similarly, if he claims that he is Allah’s Prophet, then he becomes a kafir and the man who asks that claimant to produce a miracle also becomes a kafir. However, some do not call such a person a kafir if he is trying to prove the inability of the claimant”. (Quoted from Bahur Ruquaiq Harah Kanzud Daqaiq in the book Gift for the Qadianis by Yusuf Ludhianvi)
Some liars and claimants of prophethood appeared even during the presence of Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) who could not bear to face the real Prophet who ordered such claimants to be behead wherever they are found. The first Caliph Syedinna Siddiq Akbar fought against Musailma the liar and eliminated him and his followers, though many Muslims and Hafiz-ul-Qur’an (preservers of Qur’an) were martyred in that battle.
Again, in our time at the end of the 19th century a liar appeared in the shape of Ghulam Ahmad from Qadian a small town in Punjab in the Indo-Pak subcontinent. The life style and utterances of this man proved that he was a stooge and agent of the British who ruled the subcontinent at the time. They captured land and fortune by intrigue and brute force and established their hegemony. Power was snatched from Muslims, who were the rulers of the subcontinent. The new ruler wanted to lure Muslims by hook or by crook. Muslims have great respect for their Prophet. They are willing to sacrifice anything including their precious lives to save the dignity and honour of the Holy Prophet. The British saw this spirit in the Muslims of the subcontinent and the sentiments they attach even only to the word ‘Nabi’ (Prophet). They thought if the Nabi of Madina can be respected to such an extent, that a Muslim can sacrifice his life for preserving the dignity and honour of the Prophet, then a nabi from their own homeland would be more respected. The word nabi itself has got a significant place in the hearts of Muslims. Therefore, the British sought a man – Ghulam Ahmad who first declared his loyalty to the new rulers and served under them as an ordinary servant. In the beginning he tried to incline Muslims towards himself as a preacher of Islam. He confronted Christians and challenged the authority of Jesus Christ. He himself declared that he was Jesus Christ who is to come again in this world. Some Muslims were trapped and joined his mission. The British rulers provided him all facilities. He became courageous and in the beginning of 20th century when he declared himself a prophet. Muslims rejected him and entire mass of ulama (Islamic scholars) of the subcontinent challenged his contention and declared him liar, pretender and a heretic.
In fact, the British misconceived the sprit of Muslims. Muslims have spiritual and sentimental attachment to their Prophet Muhammad (Salalaahu-alaihi Wa Sallam) the last prophet and before him other real prophets, but not to every Tom Dick or Harry who declares himself a prophet.
Now I will quote some of the utterances of this pretender of prophethood, Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian.
1)The true God is that who sent a message in Qadian (Dataul-Bala Page 150 and Tazianai Ibrat page 12)
2)I swear by God that he has sent me and has named me as a prophet (Haqiqatul Qahi Page 67 Tazianai Ibrat).
3)I believe in my revelation in the same manner as I believe in Qur’an (Hawala Arabia page 4 & 19).
4)I, Mirza Ghulam Ahmad am a promised masih and imam of the day and reformer and prophet of Allah and messenger, and revelations of Allah are sent upon me (Tazianai ibrat, signed document presented in court).
5)The revelation of Allah was not closed with Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).
6)The prophet Muhammad had three thousand miracles and I have about two lakhs (200,000) (Tohfa Goirwala and Sorahine Abmadia Pages 57 & 67 respectively).
This is what Mirza Ghulam Ahmad said about the verse of the Hly Qur’an revealed in Surah Fatah- 48:29 “In this verse; Muhammad Rasullah, I have been named Muhammad as well as Rasul (Ek Chalti ka Izala page 3 Roohani Khazain Vol 18 page 207).
There are numerous vile utterances of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in which he has rebuked all of the prophets, ridiculed Prophet Jesus (peace be upon him). Space is too limited in this article to give the details.
Besides all these things he announced the rescinding of Jihad to please his British master. On page 28 of Khaitbal Ilhamia he announced that from today Jihad by sword is closed.
Mirza Ghulam Ahmad calls every Muslim a kafir. In a book Najmul Huda he calls his opponent as pigs of the foremost and their wives are dirty, vile women and prostitutes. At one place he says, ‘only the sons of dancing women and prostitutes do not accept my call. God has revealed to me that one who does not obey me, and opposes me is a man of hell. It is obligatory upon us not to accept non-ahmadis as Muslims and not to offer prayers behind them or take part in their funeral. Mr. Zafrullah Khan, a Qadiani ex-Foreign Minister of Pakistan did not attend the janaza (funeral prayer) of Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
Keeping in view these clear anti-Islamic utterances, Muslims of entire world have declared Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and his followers as non-believers and infidels. The highest legislative authority; i.e. National Assembly of Pakistan in 1974 has declared by law, Qadianis and Ahmadis Lahori as infidels or non-muslims. The ulama of Pakistan particularly the Ulema-e-Ahle-Sunnat under the leadership of Maulana Shah Ahmad Noorani Siddiqui provided overwhelmingly proof that Qadianis are religious heretics and compelled the members of national Assembly of Pakistan to declare Qadianis as non-Muslims by law.